Friday, December 16, 2016

Late Season Notes: The Bad

The whole NFL has seen a decline in ratings along with an increase in blowouts and sloppy play. The primetime games this year have been BRUTAL to watch this year. Sunday Night, Monday Night, and Thursday Night games have all sucked hard this year. Either featuring sloppy play or lopsided blowouts, it has been a hard year for fans and the NFL's bottom line. With this being said, here are my 2 absolute teams this year. They truly highlight the garbage fire this year has been.

1. Browns- Good lord, the Browns are awful. And they are not just run-of-the-mill awful, no. They are quite possibly the worst team ever in NFL history. This isn't just hyperbole. I swear, I have not seen a team so lost and confused about its direction. They stand a good chance of being the second 0-16 team ever in NFL history. And since I am quite familiar with the previous 0-16 team (the 2008 Lions) I can say, without a doubt, this team is far worse. This team is so little hope compared to the Lions. I don't know if Cleveland can rebuild from this. Fan support is crumbling and Cleveland has become cesspool for used NFL talent.

Hey Cleveland, at least you got the Cavs!

2. The 49er's- As a Seahawks fan, this one is bittersweet. Now that our main division rival has more or less folded (being 1-12 as of writing this) it seems that the 49er's are done being a good franchise for, probably, the next decade. As much as I rejoice having an easier schedule to the playoffs, I am disappointed they are no longer our arch nemesis. They were the yin to our yang. They ensured we had to play at a higher level. For the decade prior to the 49ers bringing in Harbaugh to coach them, the Seahawks were trapped in the NFC West's terrible play. They won the division consistently, but never made much noise in the playoffs (save for their sole Super bowl trip during this time). It was the 49ers becoming great again that challenged to Seahawks to become better, to build a team that could compete. Now that they suck just like they sucked then, I can see Seattle slipping. If you are a die-hard 49ers fan, you should be pissed off. You guys went from 3 back-to-back-to-back NFC championships, to fighting the Browns for the #1 draft spot.

Oh and you guys traded in historical Candlestick Park for the gawdy awfulness of Levi's Stadium. That sucks too.

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