Thursday, September 8, 2016

First Game of the Year


As usual, the pregame before the first NFL match up of the year was bland, inoffensive, and lifeless. I don't know why this is, but every year they always find a way to make the pregame festivities make me want to gouge my eyes out.

I mean you had a full slate of boring: lifeless talking heads gathering for their NFL circlejerk, random bands that are only famous with boring 40 year olds, and rehashes of player's personal stories that you will hear over and over and over again over the course of the season. I will say, it does make me hope and pray the game begins soon so I guess it does an adequate job getting me psyched for the start of the game. Kudos NFL.

And oh my God the first band they had "perform" was atrocious. I need to talk about this. They were some forgettable Country-Rock group, whose name I forgot about 2 minutes after they finished, and they played a song called "Freedom." Holy shit, this song sucked. It was a mindless drivel about how the world wanted FREEDOM so bad and how FREEDOM is great and FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM. The songs lyrics lacked any sort of thought and it replaced it with blind jingoist patriotism.

I know, I know that the 15th anniversary of 9/11 is this Sunday so I should have my giant FREEDOM ERECTION on full display, but can we at least have GOOD songs about America? Songs that actually go in-depth and have meaning, not just some guy with cowboy boots and a stupid gel-ed haircut yelling FREEDOM into a mic for 3 and half minutes.

One Republic played as well, a band with no fans I have ever met. They weren't as bad but were still completely forgettable.

Oh and the product placement was in full force. It isn't football without blatant and pointless product placement. Did you know Microsoft has a new computer out? Do you wanna see one of the commentators awkwardly try and use it to describe a play, all the while looking at it like its a shiny space rock? No? Well fuck you then. This is the NFL!!!

...cause that's how real people hold a computer

A comment:

I thank Colin Kaepernick for his fearless protest of police brutality by sitting during the National Anthem. I mean its not because its a noble cause (it is) but because now the National Anthem is finally interesting. Instead of getting up to get a drink or check my phone, I was giddily looking to see if anyone was sitting. One player was (Brandon Marshall, a linebacker for Denver) and this made me happy. I'm sure this type of protest will continue to garner drama for most of the season (I don't see America healing 300 years of wounds in 4 months) and for that, thank you Kaepernick.

The Game Itself

It was a great intro to the NFL season. This game came down to the wire and had an exciting finish.

The Broncos looked like shit the first half. I mean Trevor Siemian did not look truly comfortable with that offense in the beginning. He was getting a few small pass completions here and there, but overall he looked like a little boy trying to fill daddy Peyton's shoes. The offense in general was simply not clicking. I was surprised they scored at all in that first half. I mean everytime they got into a rhythm, they would either fumble or Siemian would throw an ugly interception. It was terrible to watch. I was worried Carolina would run away with this game and it would be a snoozefest in the second half.

Denver came back though and showed why they were the champions. They also found their secret weapon: blatant illegal hits on the QB! The Denver defense truly stepped up in the 2nd half by playing dirty. There were at least two uncalled helmet-to-helmet hits on Newton (one so blatant it looked like targeting) and some blatant holds. It was at its worst in the 3rd, with seemingly every other play having a missed penalty. The officiating was shit and Denver exploited it. Siemian (I'm so tempted to just call him Semen) looked a little better but was, at his best, an average quarterback. This was enough however to topple the Panthers when the final whistle blew.

Speaking of Carolina, it was the reverse for them. Newton and company looked great in that first half. They built a 17-7 lead going into halftime. Kelvin Benjamin, back in his first game in over a year due to an ACL injury, looked unstoppable and both offense and defense held the Broncos at bay for all the first 30 minutes of the game.

However, those illegal hits I mentioned earlier seemed to add up toward the end of the 3rd quarter. Newton was limping on the sidelines and his passing grew increasingly inaccurate. He began to look like an escaped nursing home patient, not the 2015 NFL MVP. The thin air didn't look like it was helping either, with players on the sideline huffing on oxygen to stay conscious. They looked tired and beat toward the end. Even with all these things going against them, Newton managed to work the offense down the field for a final field goal attempt. It was wide left.

In essence, both teams looked awful at different points in the game. However, Denver was less awful.

Thank goodness football is back. Baseball sucks.

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